Traditionally Squaw Vine Herb has been used for treating uterine troubles dropsy, diarrhea, suppression of urine, sore eyes, urinary complaints, dysentery, gonorrhea, sore nipples, gravel, rheumatism, etc. Squaw vine when taken weeks before confinement (better still, when taken all during pregnancy) will make childbirth safe and wonderfully easy. This great herb is another legacy from our American Indians, who held it in high esteem as a uterine tonic to take during pregnancy and as a parturient agent. Squaw vine has very valuable diuretic, tonic and alterative properties, resembling those in prince’s pine or pipsissewa, for which it is often substituted, or used in combination.
An evergreen with paired, roundish leaves along a slightly woody, creeping stem. The leaves are variegated with whitish lines. Pink or white 4 petaled flowers, in twin-like union, terminate the stem. The fruit is a bright red berry, remaining on the stem through the winter. Found in eastern, central North America in moist or dry woods. The berries are edible, but dry, seedy and bland. They are added to salads for color.
Brand: Best Botanicals
Squaw Vine Herb Powder 4 oz.
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