Blessed Thistle Herb is a very beneficial aid for nursing mothers, stimulating the mammary glands. It is very useful in purifying the blood, aiding circulation, and for all liver problems. As a tonic it strengthens the brain, heart, and stomach.
An herbaceous plant, 2 feet high. It is reddish, slender, much branched and unable to keep upright with the weight of its leaves and flower heads. The long, narrow leaves have prominent pale veins with irregular teeth ending in spines that clasp the dull green stem. Flowers are pale yellow. Subtending the flower heads are green scales tipped with a long, brown bristle. The whole plant, including leaves, stalks and flower heads are covered with a thin down. Cultivated in the U.S., occurring in waste places when escaped.
A cold infusion of the plant (2 teaspoons to 1 cup water), in small doses, is historically helpful in weak conditions of the stomach and for producing an appetite. A warm infusion is very helpful in fevers of all kinds. A poultice or tea of the plant is used externally for chilblains, wounds and sores.
Brand: Best Botanicals
Blessed Thistle Herb Cut Organic 16 oz.
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