NOW Foods Camphor Oil – 1 oz.


NOW Foods Camphor Oil is highly potent with an aroma that is both medicinal and refreshing. It is 100% Pure and natural is GC/IR Verified.
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NOW Foods Camphor Oil is highly potent with a medicinal and refreshing aroma. It is 100% Pure and natural and is GC/IR Verified. Ayurvedic physicians initially used camphor to cleanse and purify the ill and indisposed.  It remains a cherished aromatherapeutic agent that mixes well with oils such as lavender and chamomile.  NOW Camphor Oil is 100% pure and natural.

Suggested Usage:  For aromatherapy use.  For all other uses, carefully dilute with a carrier oil such as jojoba, grapeseed, olive, or almond oil before use.  Please consult an essential oil book or other professional reference source for suggested dilution ratios.

Warnings: Always dilute before using other than aromatherapy. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes. If pregnant or lactating, consult a practitioner before use. Natural essential oils are highly concentrated and should be used with care. Gas Chromatography/Infrared Spectroscopy verified.

What are essential oils?

Essential Oils are naturally occurring volatile oils obtained by steam distillation or cold pressing (expression), having the characteristic aroma of the plant part from which it was derived. These 100% pure oils are “neat,” meaning they have not been processed, diluted, or manipulated with solvents or other additives. Although a particular species of plant harvested and distilled for its essential oil during a particular growing season in a specific region may produce a fragrance different from the same species grown in a different area, many of the primary chemical markers and physical specifications may be very similar. NOW’s citrus fruit essential oils are 100% cold-pressed. NOW’s other essential oils are typically 100% steam distilled.

Do essential oils have a grading system to tell me which is better?
No official grading system grades essential oils as A, B, C, or Therapeutic grade. All NOW 100% pure essential oils are accurately labeled as such and have the highest purity and quality available.

Are NOW essential oils pure, or do they have anything added to them?
All of NOW’s 100% pure essential oils are labeled as such. NOW also sells clearly labeled oil blends that are formulated with essential oils or absolute extracts and another oil as a base, usually pure grapeseed oil. Natural Essential Oils by their very nature will vary slightly from season to season. NOW allows nature to take its course and do not add isolated compounds to the oil to try to standardize the naturally occurring variations of a particular oil. NOW takes both the organoleptic (sight, smell and taste) and chemical properties into account when selecting and testing NOW essential oils.

Essential Oils are mixtures of aromatic chemicals present in plant material such as leaves, buds, flowers, fruit, bark, root, or wood, and are comprised of various terpenes, acids, aldehyd: the fruit. There are a few essential oils obtained using chemical solvent extractions. These products are termed concretes and absolutes, and are identified as such on the label. This discussion will center on the physical processes of steam distillation and cold pressing.

Steam distillation is a three-step process comprised of the following:
1. The plant material is placed on a screen in a steam still. Steam from a boiler is introduced under the screen where the plant material is held. The steam vaporizes the essential oil in the plant material. Both steam and oil vapor rise to a condenser.
2. The steam and oil are condensed to a liquid, and fed to a receiving vessel.
3. The essential oil rises to the top of the liquid in the receiving vessel. It is separated from the condensed steam liquid (water or hydrosols). The water may be returned to the boiler and reboiled into steam.

Cold Pressing is a four-step process comprised of the following:
1. The whole fruit is scarified, which means the peel or rind is mechanically pierced to open the sacs containing the essential oil.
2. The whole fruit is then pressed which squeezes out the juice and oil.
3. The oil and juice, which contains the peel and other fruit solids, are centrifuged to separate the liquids and solids.
4. The oil liquid layer is then separated from the juice liquid layer.

Further physical processing of either the steam distilled or cold pressed essential oils, such as filtering, winterizing, or distillation, may follow to clarify or rectify them by removing any debris, waxes, etc. In no instance is the use of chemical solvents permitted for products labeled as 100% pure essential oils, nor are any chemical additives permitted to enhance (adulterate) the oils. All of NOW’s Essential Oils are produced utilizing only steam distillation or cold pressing with no additional ingredients. NOW also sells a few Essential Oil Blends, which are clearly labeled as diluted with additional oils.

Brand: NOW Foods
Camphor Oil – 1 oz.