Slippery Elm Bark Cut 8 oz., Best Botanicals


Slippery Elm Bark is one of the finest and most valuable medicines in the herbal world.
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Slippery Elm Bark is one of the finest and most valuable medicines in the herbal world. It possesses an abundant mucilage which will soothe, disperse inflammation, draw out impurities, heal rapidly, and greatly strengthen. It is especially soothing and healing to irritated and inflamed surfaces, the various mucous membranes internally, or wounds, burns, chapped skin, etc. Externally it is most beneficial for inflammatory conditions of the stomach, lungs, intestines and urinary organs. The powder made into a mucilage beverage or gruel is a bland and nutritive food for babies, the elderly, or convalescents (it possesses as much nutrition as oatmeal, and is an excellent sustaining food). The gruel is a valuable remedy in all cases of weakness, pulmonary complaints, stomach inflammation, lung hemorrhage, etc. The slippery elm is considered as one of nature’s finest demulcents. It is especially efficient in absorbing noxious gases and neutralizing any acidity in the stomach. Because of its mucilaginous nature, it insures easy passage during the processes of assimilation and elimination. Its action is so gentle that it can be retained by delicate stomachs when other substances will be rejected. As a poultice, the slippery elm is one of herbal medicines greatest remedies in soothing injured or inflamed parts, which also provides the elements for speedy healing and strengthening of the tissue. This was an important botanical medicine and food for both the American Indians and pioneers.

A small to medium sized tree, 4.0-60 feet tall. The white, slightly scented inner bark is mucilaginous (slippery). The oval leaves are rough and sandpapery above, hairy beneath and sharply double toothed with the sides of the base unequal. The twigs are rough-hairy, the older bark is grayish. Red flowers appear in catkins, early spring. A solitary seed is encased in round, waferlike, smooth surfaced wings. Found in eastern, central North America in rich soil, woods.

The roasted nuts are excellent eaten as is, ground into flour, or candied. It is a demulcent, diuretic,and emollient. The inner bark is used for soothing properties, for sore throat, diarrhea, and urinary problems. It is made into a poultice for inflamed skin and sores. Used for vaginal suppositories, enemas, vaginal douche. Steep 2 ounces, or more, of the inner bark in 1 quart water for 1 hour or longer, sweeten. Take 1 teaspoon every 30 minutes.

Brand: Best Botanicals
Slippery Elm Bark Cut 8 oz.

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Weight 0.5 lbs

Best Botanicals


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