Yucca Root Powder 4 oz., Best Botanicals


Yucca Root is an antifungal, antitumor, and antiarthritic.
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Yucca Root is an antifungal, antitumor, and antiarthritic. American Indians poulticed the root on inflammations to stop bleeding, and used it as a steam bath for sprains and broken limbs. The root tea is used for pain, and joint inflammations. Take the powdered dried root prepared in 2~4 *2 capsules morning and night for arthritic pain. The saponins, in the roots possess a long-lasting soaping action, for washing, shampoos for dandruff, and baldness. Boil 1 cup of the chopped fresh or dried root, in 1 1/2 cups water till suds form. The most common folk name given to this herb is known as soap root. The Native Americans used the soapy leaves from yucca for numerous conditions. The following are just a few: inflammation of all sorts, including joint inflammations, bleeding, dandruff and hair loss. An active ingredient in Yucca is known as a steroidal saponin which tends to have suds when mixed with water. Recently, yucca root and extracts of yucca leaves and stems have been used to successfully to traditionally treat arthritis and rheumatism and related disorders.

A blue-green perennial, 2-4- feet tall. The leaves are in a rosette. They are stiff, swordlike, rounded on the back with margins rolled in. The stalks are erect with many, showy, bell-like cream flowers at the tips. Found throughout North America in dry soils, most common in high desert areas.

The pulpy part of the fruit is used as a source of food when baked or boiled. The part that lathers up for soap is toxic and not used for food, unless washed, parboiled, crushed etc. to get rid of the saponins. The root rnmnoiinrl is toxir to lower life forms. Use with caution.

Brand: Best Botanicals
Yucca Root Powder 4 oz.