Comfrey is a perennial with a deep taproot and the plant contains a glutinous juice. The 3-5 foot stem is angular and hairy bearing bristly, oblong, lanceolate leaves, some petioled, some sessile. The white to blue-mauve flowers grow in forked scorpiod racemes and have a tubular corolla resembling a glove finger. It is cultivated throughout Europe, U.S., occasionally escaped, thrives in almost any soil, does well in moist areas or in shade.
The traditional uses are damaged muscles and broken bones, The leaf tea can help inflamed, ulcerated digestive tracts and coughs. The leaf poultices historically used to reduce swelling and bruising around sprains, arthritic joints, speeds healing of cuts, burns, open sores, eczema.
Brand: Best Botanicals
Comfrey Leaf Cut Organic 4 oz.
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